March 3rd, 2018
Women from Northern FIRE and Gender Studies attended the International Women’s Day Breakfast, “Celebrating Women Who Make a Difference.” The breakfast took place at the Ramada Plaza and proceeds went to community programs.
March 3rd, 2018
Women from Northern FIRE and Gender Studies attended the International Women’s Day Breakfast, “Celebrating Women Who Make a Difference.” The breakfast took place at the Ramada Plaza and proceeds went to community programs.
January 24th, 2018
Northern FIRE joined UNBC food service workers in a rally aiming to improve pay and benefits for the workers. Dawn Hemingway spoke at the rally, showing the support of Northern FIRE.
The rally ended with a delegation discussing their concerns with select University leadership.
On March 4th 2017, women of Prince George came together for breakfast and inspirational talks to celebrate International Women’s Day. The breakfast had a large turnout, and raised over 600.00$ for Surpassing Our Survival Society (SOS), which focuses on sexual assault prevention and provides counselling services.
Northern FIRE attended the breakfast to show support for women across the world.
A partial view of the Northern FIRE table. From left to right: Dawn Hemingway, Tammy Stubley, Sari Legate, Karleigh Smith and Heather Thomas.
This year the Northern Women’s Forum anti-poverty event, ‘Poverty is No Joke’ will be cancelled due to a current lack of people power. However, they are working hard to ensure that this event occurs next year and is a success. Please spread the word that this event is unfortunately cancelled for this year.
On Saturday, January 21, 2017 dozens of people from the Prince
George area actively participated in a rally in support of the
Women’s March on Washington in Canada Games Plaza organized by Zoe Meletis. This was only one of six hundred marches that occurred globally that day. The rally was organized as a response to the inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump. “It’s to stand together for equality, equity and women’s rights. This is just to remind everybody that our rights are always at risk”